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Take a listen to this week’s message from Pastor Dan, all about becoming and growing in God’s kind of faithfulness!

The Power of Faithfulness

Take a listen to this empowering message on experiencing life with courage and through victory!


It’s time to break away from the distractions keeping us unfocused in life. Take a listen to this week’s message from Pastor Dan right here.

Defeating Distractions

Take a listen to this week’s message from Pastor Dan on overcoming pressures and winning in life!

Winning Under Pressure

Take a listen to an empowering message from Pastor Dan, about discovering and using the keys of the Kingdom that have been given to us for success and freedom in life!

FREEDOM (Keys Of The Kingdom)

Are you in control?

YOU Control You (or do you?)

In this week’s message as Pastor Dan introduces a series on living in the Kingdom of God!